Sunday, January 13, 2008

Travel Photos | Affilorama Affiliate Marketing

Travel Photos | Affilorama Affiliate Marketing: "Travel Photos

Hey guys,

In my last couple of blog posts I started putting together a small interesting test project. However I regret to tell you that due to it coninciding with holiday season, my travels and other projects which I am more focussed on, I’ve had to put it on pause for a few weeks.

The good news is, I will be getting back on to that project shortly and show you all the results when they come in." read complete post

Jason Potash’s Blog - The “F-YOU” Attitude For Success…

Jason Potash’s Blog: "The “F-YOU” Attitude For Success…
September 28th, 2007

Today, I want to share with you some words of wisdom that were passed down to me several
years ago.

It has to do with using a strategic “F-YOU” battleplan to finally get you out of the ratrace (like it
did for me).

Wait… don’t be offended so quickly until you read what this is all about." read complete post

List Building - Internet Marketing - Tellman Knudson

List Building - Internet Marketing - Tellman Knudson: "Internet Marketing - Video Can Spice Up Your Sales
January 11th, 2008 by admin

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!

Tellman Knudson, Internet Marketing, List Building ExpertTen years ago, it wasn’t possible to watch a video online. Even the fastest dial-up speeds couldn’t allow you to see video without choppy delivery at best. Sometimes, if your connection was really slow, video wouldn’t load at all. But all that’s changed. With the majority of Internet users now on broadband, video is becoming more and more popular every day, and with sites like You Tube, Google Video, Blip TV and many more video directories, it’s become much easier to get into video for Internet marketing purposes." read complete post

List Building - Internet Marketing - Tellman Knudson

List Building - Internet Marketing - Tellman Knudson: "Internet Marketing - Video Can Spice Up Your Sales
January 11th, 2008 by admin

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!

Tellman Knudson, Internet Marketing, List Building ExpertTen years ago, it wasn’t possible to watch a video online. Even the fastest dial-up speeds couldn’t allow you to see video without choppy delivery at best. Sometimes, if your connection was really slow, video wouldn’t load at all. But all that’s changed. With the majority of Internet users now on broadband, video is becoming more and more popular every day, and with sites like You Tube, Google Video, Blip TV and many more video directories, it’s become much easier to get into video for Internet marketing purposes." read complete post

Dr. Joe Vitale at Zero - How to Attract Miracles

Dr. Joe Vitale at Zero: "How to Attract Miracles

expect-miracles.jpg I believe nothing is impossible or incurable.

I want to prove it to you and the rest of the world with a weekly
national television show.

The show is called Expect Miracles.

I’m working with celebrities, movie directors, investors and others from Hollywood who want this show.

I intend to find the people doing miraculous things in all areas of life, interview them, and broadcast their stories.

People like the man who healed himself of blindness - and went on to heal thousands of others of vision problems." read complete post

Dr. Joe Vitale at Zero - How to Attract Miracles

Dr. Joe Vitale at Zero: "How to Attract Miracles

expect-miracles.jpg I believe nothing is impossible or incurable.

I want to prove it to you and the rest of the world with a weekly
national television show.

The show is called Expect Miracles.

I’m working with celebrities, movie directors, investors and others from Hollywood who want this show.

I intend to find the people doing miraculous things in all areas of life, interview them, and broadcast their stories.

People like the man who healed himself of blindness - and went on to heal thousands of others of vision problems." read complete post

Simon Leung | Internet Marketing Power Blog

Simon Leung | Internet Marketing Power Blog: "Hello and Happy New Year once again from Port Everglades in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida!

I hope these first few days of 2008 have been a great start for you.

It’s going great for me so far as I’m just about to board the Carnival Liberty Cruise Ship and embark on a private 8 day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean with some of my marketing friends." read complete post

Internet Marketing Tips |Jeff Dedrick’s Blog

Internet Marketing Tips |Jeff Dedrick’s Blog: "Jeff, I Just Cant Promote It
January 11th, 2008


So far the Stomper-Smarts videos have been
great and I have watched about all of them and…

I even bought 4 domains for this promotion…

I put two Wordpress blogs on 2 of them to show
the video…

I made Squidoo and Hub pages…

But is wont be sending an email for it.

Why?" read complete post

Jeff Wellman’s Layoff Your Boss Marketing Blog

Jeff Wellman’s Layoff Your Boss Marketing Blog: "Email Marketing: Social Proof

jeffsf5.jpgUsing Social proof effectively in your Email Marketing
One of the most powerful strategies for improving your credibility is social proof. If you can prove that others are currently using and benefiting from your products/services then you’ve already won half the battle.

“social proof is a powerful psychological mechanism
by which we look to others to guide our own actions.”

If everyone is doing it then I can do it too. This is the mentality that many of us have when it comes to making a choices in our life." read complete post